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Thursday, 20 November 2008

Architect Terry Farrell Is Londons Design Overlord

Architect Sir Terry Farrell will oversee a new phase of London's development under Boris Johnson through the regeneration of up to five suburban "growth hubs".

Sir Terry said: "This area (outer London) is one the Mayor himself feels passionate about, so I can see we are going to have enthusiastic support...London's outer boroughs cannot afford to be overlooked as they contain some of the most important drivers of London's future success.

“The successful development of outer London depends upon careful thought being given to design and planning issues, and Boris Johnson has shown that he takes those issues very seriously.”He added

Sir Terry's appointment is seen by many as a decisive break from Ken Livingstone's focus on the inner city. This is despite the separate appointment this week of Richard Rogers, former chief architectural adviser to Mr Livingstone, as one of four architectural advisers to the new Mayor.

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