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Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Temporary (Agency) Workers’ Directive.

The Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) has urged recruiters across the country to lobby their MPs and campaign in the local and national media about their concerns over the Temporary (Agency) Workers’ Directive.

The REC is urging the Government to recognise the practical realities of the 12 week deal as new research reveals real concerns over the practicalities of working out equal pay for temps and a possible surge of employment tribunals.

The survey of 300 recruiters, carried out by the REC has found that the majority of temporary assignments will be affected by the legislation which will give the UK’s 1.2 million temporary workers equal treatment as permanent workers after a 12-week period.

Almost half (48%) of respondents thought that the impact of equal pay would result in a 10% rise on the cost of filling a temporary position, largely due to the increased administrative burden.

Fifty seven per cent of respondents saying that the average assignment usually goes beyond 12 weeks, which confirms that the legislation could have a significant impact on the cost of placing temporary staff.

REC chairman Kevin Green said"Businesses need to start lobbying MPs, the national and local press - we need to influence the agenda. The time to act is now".

Neil Carberry, head of pensions and employment at the CBI, said "he fully backed recruiters' concerns about the importance of clarifying how to implement the equal treatment law, how to work out a comparator for equal pay, who is liable (recruiter, client or both) and how to reduce the potential increase in tribunal claims.”

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