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Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Construction Confederation Future Uncertain

The National Federation of Builders (NFB) has announced its intention to quit the Construction Confederation at the end of 2009. The move follows the announcmemnt of the withdrawal of the Major Contractors Group and the National Contractors Federation, both of which have joined the newly formed UK Contractors Group.

The Construction Confederation now retains just two member trade bodies, the Civil Engineering Contractors Association and the Scottish Building Federation and its future seems uncertain.

An NFB spokesperson said: “Following detailed consultation with our members, the National Federation of Builders has given notice of its intention to withdraw from the Construction Confederation at the end of 2009...The NFB remains a strong and independent trade organisation committed to providing the best possible service and benefits to its members. In a challenging economic climate we believe that this decision gives us the best possible platform for growth and we look forward to continuing to work with industry partners as well as forging new relationships during 2009.”

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